If you are planning to go to Australia, visa application will surely be one of the tough things that you need to go through. And with the changes that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has been implementing lately, this has become even harder for a lot of people. So it would definitely be a good idea to be well prepared.
And if you have been reading the news lately, you have probably already heard of the latest changes that the department has announced. One of these is the expansion of biometric data collection and identification to all visa types. The project was initially implemented on a few visa types, but with the successful results, the department has decided that they will apply it to the entire visa program.
So what is biometrics anyway? In simple terms, biometrics is essentially the measurement and detailing of certain body parts for identification purposes. Fingerprint records are probably the oldest form of biometrics data that is being implemented by the various immigration departments around the world. However, with the advent of new technology, several other new methods of biometrics scanning have since been developed. These include, iris and retina scans, hand prints, facial recognition.
In the case of the new visa rules for Australia, fingerprints would still be one of the biometric data that are going to be used. However, instead of the physical print, the data will now be in electronic form that will be stored in the visa to be issued to you. On the other hand, the department have also said that they will also be implementing facial recognition technology in the data gathering process. This will augment the full face photograph that would still be present in the visa.
The department said that, barring any changes, they expect to begin the biometric data collection early next year. From there on, the data collection will be a mandatory part of the the visa application process. However, the department assured Australian visa applicants that the data gathering process would be a quick one and without any hitch.
However, one thing that applicants need to get ready for is the expected increase in the application fees. Immigration officials assured that this would not be a huge one, but they also said that applicants should be well aware of these. Officials also said that there will be additional biometric requirements for people coming from selected countries, but they refused to name these for security reasons.
Monday, December 27, 2010
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Some Tips For Traveling With Kids
For Australian tourist visa holders, touring around with the entire family would definitely be an exciting one. However, this can also become quite exhausting one. Especially if you are going to travel with a bunch of kids in tow.
Indeed, while kids can be some of the best travel companions around, they can also be worst. And even if you don't like, you will definitely end up putting in a lot of work when traveling with the younger ones. And so, here is one quick guide that you can use when traveling with children.
One of the things that you need to prepare yourself for is answering a lot of questions. Let's face it, kids can be quite inquiring and will be asking a lot of (sometimes weird) questions. This one would actually be especially true if you are traveling abroad, where they would be fascinated with all of the new things that they would see.
The key thing with this one is of course being patient. You must always be ready to answer even their silliest questions. Also never show annoyance whenever they ask a lot, as this would scare prevent them from enjoying the whole trip. In fact, you can make this one into an interesting activity for both you and the kids, as both of you will actually learn a lot from this one.
And speaking of activities, you should always prepare a host of activities that your younger companions will enjoy. These can range from books, games or small toys that they can tinker with. These will be quite helpful, especially if you are preoccupied yourself. However, remember that you should always keep an eye on them every once in a while.
And since this one is an overseas trip, you should always keep in mind the dangers that can happen. Thus, it would be important that you should always pay attention to where they are and what they are doing. It would also be a good idea to pin an information tag on your kids clothes whenever you go out. The tag should contained the name of the kid, your contact number and the current hotel or apartment you are staying in.
It would also be advisable for you to teach the kids themselves various safety tips. For instance, you can teach them some simple ways that they could get in touch with you or the authorities if ever they get separated. I would also be a good idea to teach them a few local phrases, so that they will be able to talk with the people around in case of an emergency.
Sunday, December 12, 2010
New Points System Worries Groups
The Australian migration department has recently been all out in its effort to attract more professional workers into the country. Thus, it has started to implement various changes in the skilled migration program since last year. And the department said that there are still a lot of changes that are in store for the program.
One of the latest changes that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has introduced in the last few months is a new set of points assessment tests for working visa applicants. The points assessment is the test used by the DIAC to determine whether or not an applicant is qualified for a visa based on his qualifications.
Under the new system, English proficiency has been given a significant emphasis. Here, applicants who will be able to get a rating of “Superior” in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam will automatically get 20 points for the assessment. Immigration officials stressed that good English proficiency is important for those wishing to work and settle in the country permanently.
One the other hand, the DIAC has also decided to scrap the points that are awarded to applicants based on the jobs that they are intending to get in the country. Previously, this was granted in order to encourage foreign workers to go to certain fields, which the department has deemed to be in demand. Now, immigration authorities said that the changes will give equal opportunities to all applicants regardless of work plans.
Another major change in the points system is the increase of the pass mark to 65 points. The age limit for the skilled migration programs has also been upped to 49 years old. This, officials say, is to attract more senior professionals into the fold.
However, various groups are concerned that the new points system might not live up to its promise. In fact, some experts argue that this might even lead to worker shortage. They point out that the tougher criteria will likely discourage a lot of applicants. On the other hand, even though the age limit has been increased, some observers have pointed out that it is likely that a narrow group of applicants will be able to make it through.
However, the DIAC is still confident that the changes that it has made will be able to address the current worker shortage in the country. They said that by providing tougher rules. They will be able to sort out those applicants that have all the qualifications that the country currently needs.
Under the new system, English proficiency has been given a significant emphasis. Here, applicants who will be able to get a rating of “Superior” in the International English Language Testing System (IELTS) exam will automatically get 20 points for the assessment. Immigration officials stressed that good English proficiency is important for those wishing to work and settle in the country permanently.
One the other hand, the DIAC has also decided to scrap the points that are awarded to applicants based on the jobs that they are intending to get in the country. Previously, this was granted in order to encourage foreign workers to go to certain fields, which the department has deemed to be in demand. Now, immigration authorities said that the changes will give equal opportunities to all applicants regardless of work plans.
Another major change in the points system is the increase of the pass mark to 65 points. The age limit for the skilled migration programs has also been upped to 49 years old. This, officials say, is to attract more senior professionals into the fold.
However, various groups are concerned that the new points system might not live up to its promise. In fact, some experts argue that this might even lead to worker shortage. They point out that the tougher criteria will likely discourage a lot of applicants. On the other hand, even though the age limit has been increased, some observers have pointed out that it is likely that a narrow group of applicants will be able to make it through.
However, the DIAC is still confident that the changes that it has made will be able to address the current worker shortage in the country. They said that by providing tougher rules. They will be able to sort out those applicants that have all the qualifications that the country currently needs.
Sunday, December 5, 2010
The Other Side Of Immigration
For those moving to Australian, migration into the country is often thought to be the best way to have a better life. Indeed Australia has long been considered as one of the best countries to move in by a lot of people. However, as it turns out, this is not always the case for those arriving in the land down under.
While a lot of immigrants moving into the country do end up having a good, if not better, life, there are also some who end up not be quite as successful. And then there are those that end up in a much worse situation. Thus, a lot of concerned groups are urging for the Australian government to take action on the issue.
Perhaps the group that has gone through such a situation the most are those who have arrived into Australia in less than legal means. Refugees are probably the largest that belong to these groups. Because a lot of them are forced to move out of their homelands, they often have no time to prepare the necessary documents that they need to enter the country. Thus, they have no choice but to make use of not so legal means to enter the country
Because of their situation, they often fall prey to many unscrupulous groups and individuals. It is not uncommon to here of refugees being exploited by syndicates for their own purposes. Often, many of them can not do anything for fear that these individuals would hand them to the authorities. In some cases, there are even much worse instances.
However, it is not only illegals immigrants that face such a problem. Currently, there is a growing problem of many legitimate migrants that are having trouble moving into the country. Often these are those who are not able to Australia's lifestyle. There are also those who are not able to find a suitable job during their stay.
One particular case is that of New Zealanders who are forced to beg around the streets in the major cities. It is interesting to note that Australia and New Zealand share a close relationship together. Thus, it is not surprising that a lot of Kiwis are actually moving here. However, not all of them are able to secure a better life in the country and end up in a dire situation.
Because of these a lot of groups have urged the government to either provide for the welfare of these people or help them in going back to their home countries. In response, the government has said that they have various programs aimed at improving the welfare of these immigrants.
Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Exploring Weird Australia
While a lot of Australia travel visa holders prefer the usual sights in the country, there are those who are more interested in finding strange places here. Luckily, there are actually tons of them in the country. Here are some of them that you might want to head out to for your next trip.
Nowhere Else, Tasmania
This quaint Tasmanian town is really not that different form other small towns in the country. However, what makes it different is the name of the town itself. The name Nowhere Else seems to imply that it is the only one of its kind in the country. Oddly enough, it is actually not the only one, as there is actually another town named Nowhere Else in the country, this time around located in South Australia..
Devil's Marbles, Northern Territory
This park in the Northern Territory is quite popular for its rugged terrain. Close to the famed Uluru, the park has also been a tourist destination in the country. However, aside from the trails and environment, many people visit the park to get a glimpse of the so called Devil's Marbles, large, almost perfectly rounded boulders that are scattered all over the place. They are formed from underground and were brought to the surface through erosion of the surrounding area. Many people are quite amazed as to how these rocks got there.
Principality of Hutt River, Western Australia
This little farm might look like, well, an ordinary farm. But do you know that this is in fact a separate country on its ow. Well, sort of. The territory was formed when Leonard George Casley was not able to settle a dispute with the Western Australian government in the 1970's. Since then, the farm has “declared” independence from Australia, with Casley crowning himself of Prince Leonard I. Though the claim is not recognized by the Australian government, this is enough to attract a lot of visitors to the area. If you are lucky enough, you might even get an honorary citizenship as a souvenir.
Ozenkadnook, Victoria
As you read that name, you are likely not the only one having a hard time pronouncing it. You see, Australia is actually full of such odd sounding names. Many of these are derived from Aboriginal Australian languages. So what's the English translation? You might be Surprised, but it's actually “big, fat kangaroo.”
There are still a lot more interesting places in the country. And you will definitely enjoy finding all of them our during your trip.
Nowhere Else, Tasmania
This quaint Tasmanian town is really not that different form other small towns in the country. However, what makes it different is the name of the town itself. The name Nowhere Else seems to imply that it is the only one of its kind in the country. Oddly enough, it is actually not the only one, as there is actually another town named Nowhere Else in the country, this time around located in South Australia..
Devil's Marbles, Northern Territory
This park in the Northern Territory is quite popular for its rugged terrain. Close to the famed Uluru, the park has also been a tourist destination in the country. However, aside from the trails and environment, many people visit the park to get a glimpse of the so called Devil's Marbles, large, almost perfectly rounded boulders that are scattered all over the place. They are formed from underground and were brought to the surface through erosion of the surrounding area. Many people are quite amazed as to how these rocks got there.
Principality of Hutt River, Western Australia
This little farm might look like, well, an ordinary farm. But do you know that this is in fact a separate country on its ow. Well, sort of. The territory was formed when Leonard George Casley was not able to settle a dispute with the Western Australian government in the 1970's. Since then, the farm has “declared” independence from Australia, with Casley crowning himself of Prince Leonard I. Though the claim is not recognized by the Australian government, this is enough to attract a lot of visitors to the area. If you are lucky enough, you might even get an honorary citizenship as a souvenir.
Ozenkadnook, Victoria
As you read that name, you are likely not the only one having a hard time pronouncing it. You see, Australia is actually full of such odd sounding names. Many of these are derived from Aboriginal Australian languages. So what's the English translation? You might be Surprised, but it's actually “big, fat kangaroo.”
There are still a lot more interesting places in the country. And you will definitely enjoy finding all of them our during your trip.
Monday, November 22, 2010
Is Australia Really A “Dumb Blonde”?
Because of all the things that have said about Australia, travel visa holders are often very excited to go to the country. Indeed, Australia is considered as one of the best travel destinations in the world today. However, not everything in Australia are what they seem.
As it turns out, there are actually a lot of things that Australia is currently facing. And according to some observers, these are the things that can not be easily handled through elaborate promotional campaigns and advertisements. Thus, they have urged the country's leaders to closely rethink the policies that they are coming up for the country.
One of the most scathing commentaries about Australia was given by British branding expert Simon Anholt during a talk organized by IDP education last month. IDP Education is one of the country's largest international student recruitment companies. In his talk, Anholt noted that the country is often referred to as a “dumb blonde”.
Anholt explained that this is mainly due to the observation of some groups that, while the country is indeed a beautiful one, it really doesn't offer anything much other than that. He cited the lack of materials that showcase more of what the country can offer. He added that the country's tourism agencies often focus more on creating fancy slogans instead of developing the areas that would showcase its cultural achievements more.
He also gave the current status of the Australian foreign student industry as another example. He noted that the number of international students enrolling in the country's schools have dropped significantly in the last few months. Anholt explained that this can be attributed to the negative image that the country has received because of the several incidents that a lot of international students encountered. Anholt argued that, instead of trying to solve the root cause of these situations, the Australian government instead tried to cover it up to elaborate campaigns.
As it turns out, there are actually a lot of things that Australia is currently facing. And according to some observers, these are the things that can not be easily handled through elaborate promotional campaigns and advertisements. Thus, they have urged the country's leaders to closely rethink the policies that they are coming up for the country.
One of the most scathing commentaries about Australia was given by British branding expert Simon Anholt during a talk organized by IDP education last month. IDP Education is one of the country's largest international student recruitment companies. In his talk, Anholt noted that the country is often referred to as a “dumb blonde”.
Anholt explained that this is mainly due to the observation of some groups that, while the country is indeed a beautiful one, it really doesn't offer anything much other than that. He cited the lack of materials that showcase more of what the country can offer. He added that the country's tourism agencies often focus more on creating fancy slogans instead of developing the areas that would showcase its cultural achievements more.
He also gave the current status of the Australian foreign student industry as another example. He noted that the number of international students enrolling in the country's schools have dropped significantly in the last few months. Anholt explained that this can be attributed to the negative image that the country has received because of the several incidents that a lot of international students encountered. Anholt argued that, instead of trying to solve the root cause of these situations, the Australian government instead tried to cover it up to elaborate campaigns.
Anholt also noted that Australia is also severely lacking the means to promote its culture more.. he said that, while the country has indeed a lot of tourism campaigns, these are not enough to promote Australian culture. He said that the country need to work on the programs that will better establish Australia's presence in the international scene.
However, the expert said that these comments are not meant to put the country down. He said that Australia has lots to offer, only it needs to work on them a lot more.
However, the expert said that these comments are not meant to put the country down. He said that Australia has lots to offer, only it needs to work on them a lot more.
Monday, November 15, 2010
Why A Lot Of People Are Moving To Australia
For Australia, migration of people into the country is very important. After all, the country's growth actually depends heavily on immigrants. However, while it means a lot for Australia, it certainly means more for those wishing to move in here.
You have probably heard all of the reasons that people has for coming to Australia. Some of these rather simple, such as “because I want to see a kangaroo”. On the other hand, there are also those that have a more serious town to it, such as wanting to have a better life. Whichever reason it is, it seems that a lot of people do indeed consider the land down under as the place that they want to move into.
One of the interesting things into look into about the people wanting to move into Australia is their backgrounds. A large portion of the people immigrating into the country are composed of those coming from the western countries, such as the UK or the United States. Perhaps a lot of people are wandering why people coming from wealthy western nations are moving to Australia.
Probably one of the biggest reasons that many of these people are pointing out is that they would want to experience a different lifestyle. This is rather interesting enough, since much of the country's people are actually from the western countries themselves. However, the land down under has evolved differently in the last hundred years or so to make it distinct from the Western hemisphere. Also, it has assimilated the cultures of the people coming from the other parts of the world, which makes it even more unique. This has made even more attractive for people from the western part of the world.
On the other hand, many people see Australia as a land of opportunity. This can be seen at the number of foreign students in the country, many of which came from the Asian regions, such as India. According to them, Australia's education system is ideal for their needs as it gives them better chances of landing a well paying job, either here or in their home countries.
On the other hand, the land down under have also been considered as a haven for those wishing to get free from troubled countries and establish a new life. Despite the country tightening its borders against asylum seeker, many still brave the dangers that they have to go through in order to establish themselves here.
You have probably heard all of the reasons that people has for coming to Australia. Some of these rather simple, such as “because I want to see a kangaroo”. On the other hand, there are also those that have a more serious town to it, such as wanting to have a better life. Whichever reason it is, it seems that a lot of people do indeed consider the land down under as the place that they want to move into.
One of the interesting things into look into about the people wanting to move into Australia is their backgrounds. A large portion of the people immigrating into the country are composed of those coming from the western countries, such as the UK or the United States. Perhaps a lot of people are wandering why people coming from wealthy western nations are moving to Australia.
Probably one of the biggest reasons that many of these people are pointing out is that they would want to experience a different lifestyle. This is rather interesting enough, since much of the country's people are actually from the western countries themselves. However, the land down under has evolved differently in the last hundred years or so to make it distinct from the Western hemisphere. Also, it has assimilated the cultures of the people coming from the other parts of the world, which makes it even more unique. This has made even more attractive for people from the western part of the world.
On the other hand, many people see Australia as a land of opportunity. This can be seen at the number of foreign students in the country, many of which came from the Asian regions, such as India. According to them, Australia's education system is ideal for their needs as it gives them better chances of landing a well paying job, either here or in their home countries.
On the other hand, the land down under have also been considered as a haven for those wishing to get free from troubled countries and establish a new life. Despite the country tightening its borders against asylum seeker, many still brave the dangers that they have to go through in order to establish themselves here.
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Immigration Minister Gives Pointers Against Fraud
With the number of people going through the Australian immigration department, one can definitely say that many are interested in heading to the land down under. However, while this one is definitely a good sight, such a large amount of people can also easily become prey to unscrupulous individuals. And being a victim of immigration scams is certainly not going to be a good experience.
According to new Immigration and Citizenship Minister Chris Bowen, immigration fraud is still one of the major problems that his department have to deal with. He said that, while the government has instituted tougher campaigns against them, there are still groups that manage to elude the authorities and victimize immigrant hopefuls. He added that despite some setbacks, this will still be a continuing battle against such unlawful elements.
Bowen also added that they will still continue to provide immigration applicants with tools and countermeasures to protect themselves against scammers. One of the new tools that he gave out as an example is the new online manual that the Department of Immigration and Citizenship has launched. Dubbed the Protect Yourself From Immigration Fraud information kit, the manual aims to provide the user with basic information and tips in detecting fraud. The kit also gives out important guides on reporting immigration scammers, as well as the departments to contact.
Bowen also gave some tips on how to avoid fraud. He said that one of the most common ways con men trick visa applicants into falling to their trap is by purporting to be immigration agents. He said that even putting a simple “registered migration agent” note on a scam website can easily lure a lot of people.
Thus, Bowen advised the public to be wary of such bogus agents. He said that the first thing that people should always do when looking for immigration agents is to search the list provided by the Migration Agent Registration Authority (MARA). He said that these are the only ones accredited by MARA and qualified to provide immigration assistance. He also urged the public to report any groups that are using fake MARA certificates to operate.
Lastly, Bowen reiterated that people who fall victim of these scammers must immediately coordinate with the DIAC's operatives. He said that all of the department's hotlines are open 24/7 to receive complaints. He added that complainants can also lodge their concerns online and the DIAC will immediately act on it.
Monday, November 1, 2010
Australian Travel The Thrifty Way
One of the biggest hassles that a lot of Australia travel visa holders often face is the shortage of money for going around the country. Indeed, while there are a lot of places to explore in the country, this is often the most common thing that prevents you from seeing them. And this will definitely be a disappointing experience.
However, having only a small travel budget doesn't always mean that you won't have much fun out of your Australian vacation, In fact, you can actually make the most out of a small budget if you just know how. Here are some useful tips that you can keep in mind when traveling.

one of the most common thing that can easily strip out both a big and a small budget out is visiting too many places at any game time. Often a lot of tourists get too excited that they would visit too many places at once. While your purpose here is to, of course, explore and enjoy, this would not be a good idea, as it can cost you a lot of money.
Instead, it would be a good idea if you set up your itinerary before you actually head out to Australia. Consider only the places that you want to head to the most and add them to your list. Also, you can go and avail of the various travel packages that are available. Again, remember that you need to choose the ones that you really want to go for.
Use discounts
If you are a frequent traveler, it is likely that you have racked up a lot of frequent flier miles. If you are on a vacation, then it is definitely the time to make use of these. While most airlines offer ticket discounts in exchange for these flier miles, there are also others that give away other privileges, so you definitely would want to collect them also.
Discount cards and coupons would also be useful when traveling. If you are a member of a travelers' club then it is likely that you are already familiar with all the promos that they give away. Make sure that you regularly avail these and look out for others. There are also discount coupons that you can collect from products that you use.
Try alternatives for your travel
As has always been said, there are many ways to explore Australia,. And you will be surprised to find out that a lot of these, such as biking, will definitely save you a lot. So be sure to learn more about them for you trip.
Monday, October 25, 2010
More Australians Traveling Overseas
With all the sights to see in Australia, holiday visa holders have been continuously flocking to the country. Indeed, the Land Down Under has been quite a popular tourist destination in recent years. However, the scenario seems to different for local tourists.
According to the latest figures, more and more Australians are now traveling overseas for their holiday vacations. Just last August, the number of departures have increased over the same period last year, posting a growth of more than ten percent. And in the past few months, this number has actually surpassed that of incoming tourist arrivals these time.
According to some experts, one of the biggest reasons why a lot of Australians are opting to spend their vacations abroad is mainly to find new places to explore. This doesn't mean though that they are looking for something better than Australia,. As it is, since a lot of these Australian tourists have been in the country long enough, they have already probably seen most of the country's best sites. Thus, they would then want to see something different from the places that they have been used too.
On the other hand, there is another, purely economical, reason why a lot of Australians are traveling abroad. You see, the Australian economy has seen significant gains in the past few years. And this has considerably increased the value of the Australian dollar. For travelers, this simply means that they now have more value for their pocket money.
As for the places that many Australians are now heading to, Indonesia ranks first, with about a quarter of the number of departures going there. The United States is also another favorite travel spot for many Australians, gathering around 15 percent of the tourists from the land Down Under. There are also countries in the Asian region that are fast becoming popular destinations for Australian travelers.
Not surprisingly, the Australian government welcomes this development. According to government officials, this is a good indicator that the country's economy is in a good condition. They also said that this will greatly help in the growth of the Australian travel industry.
However, they also added that Australia does need to put up more effort in attracting travelers. As it is, aside from getting more visitors into the country, Australia also needs to get its people interested in exploring its lands. Thus they urge the government to come up with more programs to encourage travel. And the government is not silent on this one, as they have already launched several programs in the past few months aimed at doing just that.
According to the latest figures, more and more Australians are now traveling overseas for their holiday vacations. Just last August, the number of departures have increased over the same period last year, posting a growth of more than ten percent. And in the past few months, this number has actually surpassed that of incoming tourist arrivals these time.
According to some experts, one of the biggest reasons why a lot of Australians are opting to spend their vacations abroad is mainly to find new places to explore. This doesn't mean though that they are looking for something better than Australia,. As it is, since a lot of these Australian tourists have been in the country long enough, they have already probably seen most of the country's best sites. Thus, they would then want to see something different from the places that they have been used too.
On the other hand, there is another, purely economical, reason why a lot of Australians are traveling abroad. You see, the Australian economy has seen significant gains in the past few years. And this has considerably increased the value of the Australian dollar. For travelers, this simply means that they now have more value for their pocket money.
As for the places that many Australians are now heading to, Indonesia ranks first, with about a quarter of the number of departures going there. The United States is also another favorite travel spot for many Australians, gathering around 15 percent of the tourists from the land Down Under. There are also countries in the Asian region that are fast becoming popular destinations for Australian travelers.
Not surprisingly, the Australian government welcomes this development. According to government officials, this is a good indicator that the country's economy is in a good condition. They also said that this will greatly help in the growth of the Australian travel industry.
However, they also added that Australia does need to put up more effort in attracting travelers. As it is, aside from getting more visitors into the country, Australia also needs to get its people interested in exploring its lands. Thus they urge the government to come up with more programs to encourage travel. And the government is not silent on this one, as they have already launched several programs in the past few months aimed at doing just that.
Thursday, October 14, 2010
Mixed Reactions On The Decline Of Immigration To Australia
As a lot of people have probably known about Australia, migration still remains as one of the major issues affecting the country. Indeed, with the way immigration has been closely tied with the country, one can see how this would affect Australia. And because of these, the Australian government is closely monitoring the level of immigration to the country.
However, the current immigration data might actually have mixed reactions coming from many sectors in Australia. According to the latest figures, the number of immigrants who has arrived into the country topped at 240,000 people. This one is significantly lower than the 320,000 posted last year. As a consequence, the population growth rate (of which migration is a big factor of) decreased from last year's 2.2 percent to around 1.8 percent this year.
According to experts, the decline in immigration numbers is still attributed to the effects of the changes made by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to the country's immigration programs. It can be recalled that the DIAC started the implementation of these new rules since early last yea. Many of these changes were intended to regulate the number of people going into the country. However, a lot of experts have said that these will likely cause a large decrease in the number of immigrants into the country.
Indeed, the figures are showing that there is a significant decline in the immigrant arrivals. Oddly enough, some sectors in the government are actually very welcoming of the development. According to immigration officials, these are actually the results that they are expecting. They also added that the lower immigration numbers will make it easier for the government to manage the population.
Interestingly, this one is in fact very much inline with current Prime Minister Julia Gillard's sustainable population policy. Gillard unveiled the plan during the recent federal elections held in the country last August, which she won. According to her, Australia needs to effectively control and manage its population in order to sustain its current rate of development.
However, the Australian business community is actually not well too impressed with the happenings. They said that the decline is likely to cause the country's economy a big deal. As it is, Australia is highly dependent on immigrant labor in order to make its economy run, and the decline in the number of people coming in will surely affect their businesses. Thus they urged the government to try to encourage more people to move into the country.
However, the current immigration data might actually have mixed reactions coming from many sectors in Australia. According to the latest figures, the number of immigrants who has arrived into the country topped at 240,000 people. This one is significantly lower than the 320,000 posted last year. As a consequence, the population growth rate (of which migration is a big factor of) decreased from last year's 2.2 percent to around 1.8 percent this year.
According to experts, the decline in immigration numbers is still attributed to the effects of the changes made by the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) to the country's immigration programs. It can be recalled that the DIAC started the implementation of these new rules since early last yea. Many of these changes were intended to regulate the number of people going into the country. However, a lot of experts have said that these will likely cause a large decrease in the number of immigrants into the country.
Indeed, the figures are showing that there is a significant decline in the immigrant arrivals. Oddly enough, some sectors in the government are actually very welcoming of the development. According to immigration officials, these are actually the results that they are expecting. They also added that the lower immigration numbers will make it easier for the government to manage the population.
Interestingly, this one is in fact very much inline with current Prime Minister Julia Gillard's sustainable population policy. Gillard unveiled the plan during the recent federal elections held in the country last August, which she won. According to her, Australia needs to effectively control and manage its population in order to sustain its current rate of development.
However, the Australian business community is actually not well too impressed with the happenings. They said that the decline is likely to cause the country's economy a big deal. As it is, Australia is highly dependent on immigrant labor in order to make its economy run, and the decline in the number of people coming in will surely affect their businesses. Thus they urged the government to try to encourage more people to move into the country.
Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Embark On An Australian Motorcycle Journey
One of the best things about having an Australia tourist visa is that you get the chance to explore the country. With the continent's large size, you actually have a lot to explore. And what better way to explore the land down under than by simply hopping aboard a motorcycle and driving your way across the country's open roads.
You see, motorcycle tours are actually popular in Australia. In fact, riders from all over the world travel to the country in order to experience its terrains. And because of this, there are quite a lot of companies offering motorbike tours to specific places. But if you really want to get a different experience, then you can simply get on board and travel to the places that you like.
You can begin your journey up top by heading to the city of Cairns. This quaint little city at the northeastern coast of Queensland has many open roads that are quite good for your travel on two wheels. There are also quite a lot sights here that you might want to check out. For instance, the Kuranda Range near the Smithfield suburbs, is a popular route that a lot of riders take when traveling o and from Cairns.
Going further north from Cairns, you will be able to arrive at Port Douglas. This is actually one of the northernmost towns of the country. And if you fancy going for some fancy scenic spots here, then you have two options, as both the Daimtree Forest and the Great Barrier Reef are quite near here.
After enjoying the sights of the northern section of the country, then you can prepare yourself for the long journey to the western part of the country. Here, one of the good places to make a stopover is the city of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. This one is in fact the center-most town in Australia immigration and is the gateway to the famed outback. It is here that you can also get a good amount of supplies for your journey. And if you still have time, then you can head out for a drive to marvel at Uluru, which is located at the outskirts of the town.
Finally, you can cap your entire trip by taking your bike to the Great Ocean Road. This long stretch of road runs from Torquay to Warrnambool in Victoria. You will definitely have a relaxing time here, as the drive will take you near the ocean. And it is likely that you will encounter other riders here, as this one is also a popular route for motorcycle travelers.
You see, motorcycle tours are actually popular in Australia. In fact, riders from all over the world travel to the country in order to experience its terrains. And because of this, there are quite a lot of companies offering motorbike tours to specific places. But if you really want to get a different experience, then you can simply get on board and travel to the places that you like.
You can begin your journey up top by heading to the city of Cairns. This quaint little city at the northeastern coast of Queensland has many open roads that are quite good for your travel on two wheels. There are also quite a lot sights here that you might want to check out. For instance, the Kuranda Range near the Smithfield suburbs, is a popular route that a lot of riders take when traveling o and from Cairns.
Going further north from Cairns, you will be able to arrive at Port Douglas. This is actually one of the northernmost towns of the country. And if you fancy going for some fancy scenic spots here, then you have two options, as both the Daimtree Forest and the Great Barrier Reef are quite near here.
After enjoying the sights of the northern section of the country, then you can prepare yourself for the long journey to the western part of the country. Here, one of the good places to make a stopover is the city of Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. This one is in fact the center-most town in Australia immigration and is the gateway to the famed outback. It is here that you can also get a good amount of supplies for your journey. And if you still have time, then you can head out for a drive to marvel at Uluru, which is located at the outskirts of the town.
Finally, you can cap your entire trip by taking your bike to the Great Ocean Road. This long stretch of road runs from Torquay to Warrnambool in Victoria. You will definitely have a relaxing time here, as the drive will take you near the ocean. And it is likely that you will encounter other riders here, as this one is also a popular route for motorcycle travelers.
Sunday, October 3, 2010
Australian Tourism Continues Its Growth
According to the latest figures, the Australian tourist visa is one of the most popular visa types being applied for by those wanting to travel to the land down under. And the tourism industry is very welcoming of this. as it is indicative that the market is booming once again after the 2008 financial crisis. To top it off, the industry is set to receive a new bonus for this one.
As it turns out, it is not only visitors from the US or Britain who are heading to Australia. Many people coming from Asia are now also eying the continent for their next vacation. And other nationalities are also starting to look into the prospect of traveling to Australia for a time off.
Chinese tourists are the number one in terms of the number of people traveling to the country for leisure. According to the latest figures, the number of tourist arrivals from China grew by more than 20 percent this year as compared to last year. Observers attribute this to the growing Chinese economy and the slowly emerging middle class in Chinese society who have the money to spend for the trip.
And if things go out very well, China will become Australia's largest customer for tourism travel. According to the projections made by Austrade, it is likely that they will be receiving more than a million Chinese tourists each year by 2013. And Austrade officials expect that it will continue to boom beyond that period.
On the other hand, the boom is not only beneficial for tourism within Australia. As it is, the tourism industry in China itself is also quickly expanding to accommodate these eager travelers. These creates bigger openings for Australian tourism firms to do their business in China, thus also being able to expand in its domestic markets.
Many sectors closely related to the tourism industry also expect to take advantage of its growth. Airlines, for instance, will have one of the biggest benefits from the growth of tourism in Australia. According to China Southern Airlines president Tan Wangeng, the growth of the Chinese economy means that the Chinese people would be traveling a lot, thus opening more opportunities for their business. In fact, China Southern Airlines have established several new flights to Australia in the last few moths.
And aside from the Chinese, many other people are now looking forward to traveling to Australia. And this is greatly welcomed by the industry, as this is indicative that travelers were not fazed by the new immigration rules enacted by the Australian government.
As it turns out, it is not only visitors from the US or Britain who are heading to Australia. Many people coming from Asia are now also eying the continent for their next vacation. And other nationalities are also starting to look into the prospect of traveling to Australia for a time off.
Chinese tourists are the number one in terms of the number of people traveling to the country for leisure. According to the latest figures, the number of tourist arrivals from China grew by more than 20 percent this year as compared to last year. Observers attribute this to the growing Chinese economy and the slowly emerging middle class in Chinese society who have the money to spend for the trip.
And if things go out very well, China will become Australia's largest customer for tourism travel. According to the projections made by Austrade, it is likely that they will be receiving more than a million Chinese tourists each year by 2013. And Austrade officials expect that it will continue to boom beyond that period.
On the other hand, the boom is not only beneficial for tourism within Australia. As it is, the tourism industry in China itself is also quickly expanding to accommodate these eager travelers. These creates bigger openings for Australian tourism firms to do their business in China, thus also being able to expand in its domestic markets.
Many sectors closely related to the tourism industry also expect to take advantage of its growth. Airlines, for instance, will have one of the biggest benefits from the growth of tourism in Australia. According to China Southern Airlines president Tan Wangeng, the growth of the Chinese economy means that the Chinese people would be traveling a lot, thus opening more opportunities for their business. In fact, China Southern Airlines have established several new flights to Australia in the last few moths.
And aside from the Chinese, many other people are now looking forward to traveling to Australia. And this is greatly welcomed by the industry, as this is indicative that travelers were not fazed by the new immigration rules enacted by the Australian government.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Visiting Australia's Gardens
If you are an Australian travel visa holder, then you are in luck, since you have lots of places to explore int the country. And there are definitely something for ever kind of tourists here. So you will definitely be able to find the ones that will suit your tastes.
Thus, if you are the type who are into flowers, gardens, and anything else that has something to do with plants, then you will definitely feel at home at Australia's botanical gardens. In fact, there are actually dozens of botanical gardens that are located in the country, housing a wide variety of native Australian plants, as well those coming from around the world. And so, here are some of the gardens that you might want to drop by.
Royal Botanical Garden, Melbourne
This is one of the premiere botanical gardens in Australia. The Royal Botanical Garden in Melbourne hosts a wide variety of different flowering plants and trees native to the area, as well as those coming from the other states. The garden is nicely located in the Cranbourne suburb of Melbourne and can be reach by bus, car, or even a bicycle ride from the city.
The Royal Botanical Garden has several sections showcasing different kinds of of plants. Also, since much of the garden is actually open air, you will get the chance to encounter some of the resident animals of the garden. In fact, the gardens administrators recommend this one as an activity for the entire family. There are also several function halls where special events are usually held.
Adelaide Botanical Garden
Another great place for you to visit if you are a plant lover. The Adelaide Botanical Garden is conveniently located at the northeastern section of the city. It is also adjacent to the Adelaide Zoo, so you can head there afterward to see the fauna.
Two of the biggest attractions of the Garden are the Palm House and the Rose Garden. The Palm House is a large greenhouse that has been in the garden since the 1870's. On the other hand, flower lovers and those who simply want to take their love ones to something romantic would definitely love the Rose Garden. The Rose Garden is also quite special as it is actually a research center where new varieties of roses suitable to the Australian environment are grown.
Sydney Botanic Garden
The Sydney Botanic Garden can be considered as the classic city park where city dwellers can head to and spend some time to relaxed. However, the garden is still a great sight to behold at the center of Sydney. It is located at a site overlooking Farm Cove.
The garden gives a spectacular view of the Sydney Harbour, as well as some of the most popular sights of the city, such as the Sydney Opera House and the Sydney Harbour Bridge.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Abbott Says Immigration Not The Solution To Worker Shortage
Over the years, many Australian skilled visa holders have arrived into the country to work. Indeed, Australia has long been considered as one of the best places to work in the world. And the land down under is itself very welcoming of the arrival of these foreign workers.
You see, Australia is, in fact, very much in demand of immigrant labor to fuel its economic growth. This is mainly because its relatively small population (some 22 million as of the last census) is not able to sustain the current level of economic development in the country. And experts said that this rate is likely to grow even more in the years to come.
That is why the country needs to get more and more foreign workers moving in. They are the ones that will be able to sustain the country's economic development, as well as further increase it. However, some groups are arguing that the current dependence on immigrants workers for economic development might not be that good for the country. In the long run.
One of the people urging policy makers to rethink their priorities with regards to immigrant labor is Tony Abbott. In fact, Abbott made this one a central point of discussion when he went head to head with current Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Labor Party in the elections held last month. And though Abbott lost, he said that he and the Liberal Party will still be pushing for this issue.
According to Abbott, the country can't forever depend on foreign labor to sustain it. He added that with the current jobs shortages that the country is experiencing, it is unlikely that the current influx of immigrants will be able to solve it. He emphasizes that, in order to better handle the situation, it is necessary that training the local population is far more important in order for them to fill up the shortages.
But, Abbott pointed out that he is not against immigration altogether. He said that immigration will still be needed in the near future in order to maintain the stability of the of the country's economy. However, he said that there is still a great need to significantly cut down one the number of immigration intakes in order to open up more opportunities for local labor.
Abbott has said that, despite losing to Labor, his party will still continue to push for these changes. He is also optimistic that the government will be willing to take this into account.
You see, Australia is, in fact, very much in demand of immigrant labor to fuel its economic growth. This is mainly because its relatively small population (some 22 million as of the last census) is not able to sustain the current level of economic development in the country. And experts said that this rate is likely to grow even more in the years to come.
That is why the country needs to get more and more foreign workers moving in. They are the ones that will be able to sustain the country's economic development, as well as further increase it. However, some groups are arguing that the current dependence on immigrants workers for economic development might not be that good for the country. In the long run.
One of the people urging policy makers to rethink their priorities with regards to immigrant labor is Tony Abbott. In fact, Abbott made this one a central point of discussion when he went head to head with current Prime Minister Julia Gillard and the Labor Party in the elections held last month. And though Abbott lost, he said that he and the Liberal Party will still be pushing for this issue.
According to Abbott, the country can't forever depend on foreign labor to sustain it. He added that with the current jobs shortages that the country is experiencing, it is unlikely that the current influx of immigrants will be able to solve it. He emphasizes that, in order to better handle the situation, it is necessary that training the local population is far more important in order for them to fill up the shortages.
But, Abbott pointed out that he is not against immigration altogether. He said that immigration will still be needed in the near future in order to maintain the stability of the of the country's economy. However, he said that there is still a great need to significantly cut down one the number of immigration intakes in order to open up more opportunities for local labor.
Abbott has said that, despite losing to Labor, his party will still continue to push for these changes. He is also optimistic that the government will be willing to take this into account.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Why Go On An Australian Bike Tour
Australian travel visa holders are definitely always on the look out for ways to enjoy their travel in the country more. Lucky for them, there are countless ways to do that. And one of the ways that you can make the most out of your Australian trip is going out on two wheels.
Indeed, bike tours have become so popular with so many people in the country today. In fact, foreigners have actually traveled halfway across from the other part of the globe just to go on a bike tour on the continent. And even the locals are now getting into these bike tours.
So what makes Australia such an attractive place for a bike tour? Well, one thing that many enthusiasts point out is that the continent has enough challenges to throw at the rider. In fact, with the country's vastly varying terrain, a bike tourist will certainly make the most out of his skills here. And there are actually a lot of trails that bike enthusiasts can try out. Some would even take you from one side of the country to the other, such as the famed Munda Biddi trail.
Another major reason that attract a lot of people into a biking tour is the relative ease of preparing everything that you need. Unlike other tours, where you have to go through a lot of preparations, all you need here is, of course, a bike and some supplies. There are plenty of bike shops scattered across the major cities, like Sydney, where you can either buy or rent a good quality by for your trip. And there are several hotels that are especially made for bikers like you.
Furthermore, if you are not that keen in preparing, but still interested in such a tour, there are a wide variety of companies that provide such tours. They will often be the ones that will provide you with all the gear that you will need, including a good bike. Plus, they will also be able to get you a challenging itinerary. And this are also quite reasonably priced.
Lastly, the best reason that you might want to get on a bike tour is that it will give you a pretty good experience. Now only will you be able to stay in good shape for the entire trip, but you will also be able to interact more with the people you meet along the way, as well as your fellow riders. This is certainly something that will set bike touring apart from other ways of traveling Australia.
Indeed, bike tours have become so popular with so many people in the country today. In fact, foreigners have actually traveled halfway across from the other part of the globe just to go on a bike tour on the continent. And even the locals are now getting into these bike tours.
So what makes Australia such an attractive place for a bike tour? Well, one thing that many enthusiasts point out is that the continent has enough challenges to throw at the rider. In fact, with the country's vastly varying terrain, a bike tourist will certainly make the most out of his skills here. And there are actually a lot of trails that bike enthusiasts can try out. Some would even take you from one side of the country to the other, such as the famed Munda Biddi trail.
Another major reason that attract a lot of people into a biking tour is the relative ease of preparing everything that you need. Unlike other tours, where you have to go through a lot of preparations, all you need here is, of course, a bike and some supplies. There are plenty of bike shops scattered across the major cities, like Sydney, where you can either buy or rent a good quality by for your trip. And there are several hotels that are especially made for bikers like you.
Furthermore, if you are not that keen in preparing, but still interested in such a tour, there are a wide variety of companies that provide such tours. They will often be the ones that will provide you with all the gear that you will need, including a good bike. Plus, they will also be able to get you a challenging itinerary. And this are also quite reasonably priced.
Lastly, the best reason that you might want to get on a bike tour is that it will give you a pretty good experience. Now only will you be able to stay in good shape for the entire trip, but you will also be able to interact more with the people you meet along the way, as well as your fellow riders. This is certainly something that will set bike touring apart from other ways of traveling Australia.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Traveling Australia On A Shoestring
If you are an Australian travel visa holder, then you would definitely love going around the country. However, though this one is indeed a great way to spend your vacation. There is a slight catch. As you might have already known, touring the Land Down Under is not going to be cheap.
But of course, that does not mean that you can't cut down on your expenses when on vacation. In fact, this one will be an enjoyable part of the whole trip, as you will be challenged to come up with new ways of saving up. And so, here are some useful tips and tricks that you can do on your nest trip.
Ditch the car rental
This might sound ridiculous, but you can actually save a big amount of money of you forgo renting a car during your stay. You see, car rentals can often run over a hundred dollars a day. And imagine how much you will have to spend on this one for a few days.
If you are worried on how to get around, you can always take the train or the bus. You see, Australia has a well developed public transportation system that will take you anywhere in the continent. And if you want to save more, you can always get yourself a multi-pass to avoid having to get several tickets when you go around. In case you prefer flying, there are also a bunch of low cost airlines available.
Food is all over you
If you are hungry, then you need not worry about having to look out for a fine dining restaurant. There are actually plenty of great eating places scattered around the cities. And these are reasonably priced too. You have a wide variety of options to choose from here, from fast food to fine cuisine that will suit your tastes.
If you are looking for some great tasting seafood dishes, the docks are a good place to visit. One good example is Port Jackson in Sydney. The place is actually teeming with a wide variety of seafood sold at market prices, since they are quite close to where these are harvested. Here, you will definitely get to enjoy fishes and crabs without the huge bills.
Get rid of all the extra services
If you really want to cut your hotel expenses, then you will have to let go of the room service. And this will not only cut down your costs, but it will also encourage you to go out and explore Australia more. But of course, that doesn't mean that you have to cut them off entirely. Request for something every now and then to treat yourself.
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Ditch the car rental
This might sound ridiculous, but you can actually save a big amount of money of you forgo renting a car during your stay. You see, car rentals can often run over a hundred dollars a day. And imagine how much you will have to spend on this one for a few days.
If you are worried on how to get around, you can always take the train or the bus. You see, Australia has a well developed public transportation system that will take you anywhere in the continent. And if you want to save more, you can always get yourself a multi-pass to avoid having to get several tickets when you go around. In case you prefer flying, there are also a bunch of low cost airlines available.
Food is all over you
If you are hungry, then you need not worry about having to look out for a fine dining restaurant. There are actually plenty of great eating places scattered around the cities. And these are reasonably priced too. You have a wide variety of options to choose from here, from fast food to fine cuisine that will suit your tastes.
If you are looking for some great tasting seafood dishes, the docks are a good place to visit. One good example is Port Jackson in Sydney. The place is actually teeming with a wide variety of seafood sold at market prices, since they are quite close to where these are harvested. Here, you will definitely get to enjoy fishes and crabs without the huge bills.
Get rid of all the extra services
If you really want to cut your hotel expenses, then you will have to let go of the room service. And this will not only cut down your costs, but it will also encourage you to go out and explore Australia more. But of course, that doesn't mean that you have to cut them off entirely. Request for something every now and then to treat yourself.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Be Prepared For Tourist Scams
Getting an Australian tourist visa is definitely a great way to spend your vacation. The country has many sights and activities to offer, and you will definitely have a great time. However, you might want to be a bit careful, as there is always something sinister lurking around the corner.
As it is, Australia is not immune to the attacks of unscrupulous people. In fact, each year, many tourists have had their vacations ruined after falling prey to con men. Thus, it is important that you familiarize yourself with some of the most common scams, so that you can be prepared in case you encounter them.
You might not know, but a taxi is one of the most popular tools used by scammers. Since they would assume that you know very little about the country that you are heading to. Here, one of the most common tricks that they would employ is to use a much longer route in taking you to your destination, hence being able to collect a larger fair. Also, there are cons who equip their taxis with rigged meters.
The best way to deal with this one is to always get a legitimate taxi services. Many taxi companies in Australia offer online booking, so you can immediately be picked up by them the moment you arrive in the airport. In case you instead would want to only get a cab when you arrive, be sure that the driver looks honest. Also, get the details of the taxi before boarding to be sure. Carrying a road map with you will also be useful in ensuring that you are taking the right route.
Another common strategy used by a lot of scammers is that of a distraction. The con artist can use anything, from a handkerchief to gold rings, to catch your attention. He will then sweet talk you into a conversation and into a deal that would likely cost you your belongings. Sometimes, while you are still conversing with him, an accomplice of his will quickly steal your valuables without you knowing it.
The best way to deal with this one is to simply ignore the distraction. This might look snobbish on your part, but keep in mind that you are on a foreign land, so you need to be careful. In case you have no choice, then be sure that you are fully aware of your surroundings.
Lastly, always seek the help of the authorities in case you get scammed. Do this one immediately, so you will still get the chance to retrieve your items.
As it is, Australia is not immune to the attacks of unscrupulous people. In fact, each year, many tourists have had their vacations ruined after falling prey to con men. Thus, it is important that you familiarize yourself with some of the most common scams, so that you can be prepared in case you encounter them.
You might not know, but a taxi is one of the most popular tools used by scammers. Since they would assume that you know very little about the country that you are heading to. Here, one of the most common tricks that they would employ is to use a much longer route in taking you to your destination, hence being able to collect a larger fair. Also, there are cons who equip their taxis with rigged meters.
The best way to deal with this one is to always get a legitimate taxi services. Many taxi companies in Australia offer online booking, so you can immediately be picked up by them the moment you arrive in the airport. In case you instead would want to only get a cab when you arrive, be sure that the driver looks honest. Also, get the details of the taxi before boarding to be sure. Carrying a road map with you will also be useful in ensuring that you are taking the right route.
Another common strategy used by a lot of scammers is that of a distraction. The con artist can use anything, from a handkerchief to gold rings, to catch your attention. He will then sweet talk you into a conversation and into a deal that would likely cost you your belongings. Sometimes, while you are still conversing with him, an accomplice of his will quickly steal your valuables without you knowing it.
The best way to deal with this one is to simply ignore the distraction. This might look snobbish on your part, but keep in mind that you are on a foreign land, so you need to be careful. In case you have no choice, then be sure that you are fully aware of your surroundings.
Lastly, always seek the help of the authorities in case you get scammed. Do this one immediately, so you will still get the chance to retrieve your items.
Monday, August 30, 2010
Australian Tourism On The Steady Rise
One of the areas that is closely being monitored by Australian migration officials nowadays is the tourism sector. Indeed, with Australia being a popular travel destination for a lot of people around the world, the tourism industry is likely to expand even more. And many people are closely observing the industry as it grows.
It should be noted that the tourism industry is still pretty much on the recovery stage after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. Because of the slowing down of the world's economies , travel for leisure also dropped significantly. And being one of the centers of tourist travels, Australia did significantly experienced the effects of reduced tourist arrivals.
However, with the world's economy now starting to recover, tourism travel is also beginning to go up back to it's previous levels. It is interesting to note that Australia was in fact, one of the first countries to start getting up from the crisis. And with that, it was also able to to quickly resume operation for its tourism activities.
Indeed, the country has actually posted some impressive tourism figures in the last few months. According to statistics released by the government, the number of tourist arrivals have increased by at least five percent in the last three months. And officials are confident that these will go up in the future.
With that, Tourism Australia, the country's foremost tourism promotion industry have embarked on several programs aimed to further encouraging foreign travelers to visit the country. One of this is the $30 million investment made by the agency last June to promote Australian tourism in China. Tourism Australia is hoping to capture the interest of more than 46 million Chinese travelers each year, which is worth more $2 billion in the market.
On the other hand, Tourism Australia is also hoping to attract more visitors from Southeast Asia. As a start of their campaign, they have launched an Indonesian language version of the agency's official website. Tourism Australia officials are hopeful that, through this, they will be able to encourage Indonesian tourists to learn more about Australia and eventually head there. It is interesting to note that Indonesian tourist arrivals have grown significantly since last year, posting a 24 percent increase last March.
With this impressive figures and efforts, Australian tourism officials are enthusiastic that they will be able to further expand the industry. However, they said that they are still not you going to slow down in their work and even strive more to attract more travelers.
It should be noted that the tourism industry is still pretty much on the recovery stage after the financial crisis of 2007 to 2009. Because of the slowing down of the world's economies , travel for leisure also dropped significantly. And being one of the centers of tourist travels, Australia did significantly experienced the effects of reduced tourist arrivals.
However, with the world's economy now starting to recover, tourism travel is also beginning to go up back to it's previous levels. It is interesting to note that Australia was in fact, one of the first countries to start getting up from the crisis. And with that, it was also able to to quickly resume operation for its tourism activities.
Indeed, the country has actually posted some impressive tourism figures in the last few months. According to statistics released by the government, the number of tourist arrivals have increased by at least five percent in the last three months. And officials are confident that these will go up in the future.
With that, Tourism Australia, the country's foremost tourism promotion industry have embarked on several programs aimed to further encouraging foreign travelers to visit the country. One of this is the $30 million investment made by the agency last June to promote Australian tourism in China. Tourism Australia is hoping to capture the interest of more than 46 million Chinese travelers each year, which is worth more $2 billion in the market.
On the other hand, Tourism Australia is also hoping to attract more visitors from Southeast Asia. As a start of their campaign, they have launched an Indonesian language version of the agency's official website. Tourism Australia officials are hopeful that, through this, they will be able to encourage Indonesian tourists to learn more about Australia and eventually head there. It is interesting to note that Indonesian tourist arrivals have grown significantly since last year, posting a 24 percent increase last March.
With this impressive figures and efforts, Australian tourism officials are enthusiastic that they will be able to further expand the industry. However, they said that they are still not you going to slow down in their work and even strive more to attract more travelers.
Monday, August 23, 2010
Tony Abbott announced a cut to Australia's Immigration
The Coalition announced a plan to slash Australia's immigration programs in order to decrease the country's population.
Australia is said to be one the countries with the highest population growth rate. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics population clock, the country's population has increased by nearly a quarter of a million people to 22,397,892.
In view of this fact, Federal Opposition Leader Tony Abbott announced that the Coalition Government will cut the migration intake of the country for the next three years.
"The Coalition's population and immigration policy acknowledges the importance of immigration but reaffirms we will determine who comes to our country and the circumstances under which they come," Mr. Abbott told The Sunday Mail.
The said cut will mainly focus on family and Australia student visa programs, while Australian skilled migration would largely be quarantined. According to the opposition leader, the Coalition would keep skilled migration numbers up, but would put down the "dubious educational and family-reunion applicants". Although the Coalition doesn't put a figure on it, the policy would put Australia on track for a population in 2050 of well below 36 million.
Opposition Immigration spokesman Scott Morrison uttered that rapid population growth must not rob future generations of the "quality of life and opportunities we enjoy". "We believe Australians are looking for payment up front on infrastructure and services before they will support a higher rate of population growth," he said.
The Coalition policy announcement will also commit the Government to population growth rates being set by the Productivity and Sustainability Commission, based on delivery of improved infrastructure and services. Also, two-thirds of the permanent migration program (which totals about 180,000 a year) will be reserved for skilled migration. While sponsored skilled-work visas and temporary skilled-work visas (457 visas) would be quarantined at existing levels, the humanitarian intake would also remain the same.
Monday, August 16, 2010
Tourist Must Haves
Getting an Australian travel visa is definitely one of the best ways you can spend your vacation. The country has a lot sights to see for different kinds of seasons. You will definitely enjoy your stay in the country down under.
But you know what? You will get to enjoy the continent even more if you come in well prepared. And so here are some of the things that you definitely would want to pack into your backs for your trip there.
Road Map
A definite must have for those who plan to do a lot of traveling around the continent. City road maps are very easy to find and can be bought from just about any bookstore. There are also maps made especially for tourists like you, which show the location of great tourist spots to visit. Make sure that you are getting the latest version of the map for the area you are going to.
On the other hand, if you are a bit of a techie, you can also invest in a small GPS unit. Coupled with the road map, this will give you a pretty accurate reading of your location in the country. Hand held units are actually very affordable, costing a little less than fifty dollars apiece.
Driver's License
If you don't want to go through all the hustle of the Australian public transport system, then you can always get a car and drive around. Just be sure that your license is accredited by the Australian transport department. However, in the instance that this is not the case, you can always opt to get an international license, though you will still have to go through a test.
And of course, no self respecting tourist would be traveling without a camera. These days, a lot of people would opt to bring digital cameras. For those who are more of the ordinary type of tourist, then the regular digital camera would be more than enough. However, if you are the type who is also somewhat of a photography nut, then you can go for those SLR type cameras used by professionals. These come with several attachments which will aid you in taking great photos.
And if you also want to get some videos, most digital cameras also have a video mode that lets you shoot right then and there. Also remember to carry loads of extra batteries and a tripod for taking great pictures while you're, say, at Uluru.
Image Sources:
Google Search
Wednesday, August 4, 2010
Experience a lot of wilderness
As rated for the past travelers rate who went to Australia and had their Australia travel visa for spending holidays around Australia is high and great percentage of visitors, contributing for the country. Many of the travelers and visitors that went in the country is extremely challenging their self to go out wild in many ways and many places.
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South East Coast (Sydney) – Central East (Brisbrane/Gold Coast)
North East Coast (Cairns & Great Barrier Reef Islands)
South West (Perth)
North West (Exmouth, Ningaloo Reef, Broome, Kimberley)
The country really has it seemingly great beaches weather in not an exactly warm beach, an all year hot beach and fine temperature beach.
Another wild experience here is the theme park craze. Many of Australian have a lot of experience in theme park here in our country. They are mostly families and kids do love having a bonding in a theme park. For the travelers to have a great view of this, Here a list of great theme parks for them. Along Queensland, the Gold Coast have its great theme parks such as Sea World, Movie World and Wet'n'Wild Water World all owned by Warner Village Theme park which is joint owned by Warner Bros and Village Roadshow, and another popular theme park along Gold Coast is the Dreamworld, for it has a lot of rides and must see shows out there namely World of wildlife, Worlds at night, World of skills, World of thrill rides, World of family fun, World of shows, world of wiggles and World of nickelodeon. Its best to have an experience in one of the theme park here more often for the travelers who wants thrilling experiences.
And the most thrilling, and definitely the wildest experience is the Kangaroo island experience. One of the most admired island that the visitors or travelers enjoyed most to visit on, is the South Australian Island, namely “Kangaroo Island”.
Whats great in visiting Kangaroo island?
For the wild travel seeker, You can live in a wild for a day or not only for a day because, there are a lots of accommodation you can choose out there weather a lodge and retreats, hotel or motels, hostel and a lot more. Getting back to Kangaroo island, it is thought as the Australia's great scenic treasure because of the preservation of its wonder and the animals that lives there.
A lot of island animals that lives in Kangaroo island that really attracts the visitors. Kangaroo's, Tammar Wallabies, Seals, Heath Goannas, Echidnas, Little Penguin's Koalas and a lot more animals is one one of the main attraction in this island. There's a lot more to see in Kangaroo island because it is said to be the second largest island in South Australia system of islands after Tasmania. A lot and a lot more sites to discover the country Australia. Definitely the coolest place a traveler can go.
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Monday, July 12, 2010
A Visit To Uluru
As you might have already known by know, there are a lot of interesting site to see in Australia. This one is the biggest reason why a lot of Australian travel visa holders would want to get back here as often as they can. And once they do, there are still a lot more for them to see here.
Probably one of the most popular of these sites is Uluru, near Alice Springs in the Northern Territory. Also know as Ayers Rock, this familiar attraction is a massive sandstone formation that sticks out of the in the plains of the Kata-Tjuta National park. It rises to more than three hundred and forty meters and is nine kilometers around.
The rocks was initially named in honor of then Chief Secretary Henry Ayers. In the 1990's, as part of the growing recognition of Aboriginal rites, the rock was renamed Uluru by the government, the local Aboriginal term for the area. Eventual, both terms have become of common use, and the whole place is now know officially as Uluru/Ayers rock.
So what is there to see here? If you thing that Uluru is just a large boring piece of, well, a rock, then you are definitely mistaken. In fact, even from afar, the rock is actually a spectacular sight to see. You will definitely love watching it as it seemingly changes color as the day goes on.
However, the real beauty of the rock begins to shine as you get nearer to it. Here you sill see that it is actually a far cry from what some think as a barren rock face. At the base of the rock, there are a large number of animals that have made it their home. You will also find countless other animals, such as kangaroos, that roam freely around the adjacent areas.
But what will definitely interest you even more is the fact that the rock is actually a sacred area for the local aboriginal people. Here you will get to see and experience the local culture, as the local people themselves will be the ones to guide you. You will also definitely like the Dreamtime stories that these people would tell about the rock. One that you should not try though is attempting to climb the rock, as the local people a strictly against it, besides the fact that it is quite dangerous.
And if you tired from your trip in the rock, there are actually a lot of establishments that you can head to around the area. These range from campsites to hotels, so you will be able to find place to stay in that suits your taste.
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Sunday, June 20, 2010
On The Way To An Australian Road Trip
One of the biggest reasons why a lot of people would want to get an Australian travel visa is because there are a lot to see here. Indeed, the country is blessed with so many wonderful sights that even just a day's worth of travel will certainly leave you all amazed. And what better way to see and experience these sights than to simply hop into your car and go on a road trip around the country.
So for those thinking on going out for their own road trips, here are some of the great places that you might want to take a detour in during your drive.
Road trips are, in fact, some of the most common activities that both foreign and local travelers would often want to do here. For one, they are actually quite inexpensive, since you do not have to arrange for all those accommodations and travel packages. And for many, the freedom to choose your destination along the way is another plus, as it lets you explore the places a lot more.

If you are coming in from the east, then Sydney would be a great first stop. The world famous city offers not a few sights to visit. Some of the more interesting stops that you can take here are the Sydney Opera House and Port Jackson. Also, if you are in need of something to eat before finally heading out, there are plenty of fine restaurants here that you can go to.
Heading out down south, the Nullarbor Plain is of the most popular destinations in the country for road trippers. In fact, it has been considered by a lot of people to be challenge to cross the whole plain. Driving through the long Eyre Highway here can be quite tedious here, especially if you are all alone, so it would be a good idea to take some one with you. On the plus side, simply stopping by the road to marvel at the large expanse of land before you would be a good idea. Just be wary of road trains though, as this is one of their major crossings.
On the other hand, if you are going up north, then you definitely must visit the town of Alice Springs. This quite town in the Northern Territory is a good place to head to if you want to get to experience the outback life the the state is very famous for. Uluru (also known as Ayers Rock) is nearby., so you can head there before continuing your journey.
And whether you come in from the south or the north, it is a definite must that you get to cross the Great Ocean Road. The road is considered by many as a great stop to cap your journey. And you will definitely enjoy the whole trip, as you get to the chance to whiff some cool breeze from the ocean.
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