Thursday, September 3, 2009

Australia's Aboriginal People and their Culture

Australia visa application isn't always as plain as it is. So true that it's not easy processing your visa, but more than that, there other things you need to know. To migrate to Australia requires a lot of knowledge before you can fully adapt to its environment. Studying what is out there would be the best step to take. You are staying to a new place, it means that you are the one who needs to make adjustments, not the original settlers. It doesn't matter if you are staying in Australia permanently or for good, important thing is, you should know how to cope up.

Australian population is made up of many different races, this is because of massive migration to the country. But of all the races in the country, the Aboriginal Australia Culture is the oldest and best prehistoric culture in the world. Its people are called “Aborigines” that means “original inhabitants” in Latin. They are native Australians who migrated to the country from different places in Asia, 30,000 years back. Even if Australia is now one of the world's modern country, there are still more than 400,000 Aborigines in Australia, separated by different tribes.

Aboriginal Australian Culture is composed of different clans that shares diverse heritage and beliefs, customs, dialects, language, rituals, art forms, food and hunting habits. Most of the tribes were nomadic hunter, earning their living on their own territory. The Aborigines' hallmark is “oneness with nature”. For these people, everything on earth is sacred.

There are about 200 to 250 language spoken by each tribe. The tribes believe that each person has a role to play and something to say in all major decisions taken. They are uncivilized but they are rich in tradition, arts and culture.

Throughout the history, the Aborigines became a picture of discrimination and racism. Everything started when the Britain colonized Australia. Settlers and other migrants also brought diseases and introduced alcohol to the Aborigines that certainly reduced fertility and birthrates. This became one of the addictions of the tribe members. Arrival of different nationalities is one of the main reasons why the number of Aboriginal Culture has declined.

It was not too long when the Aborigines were recognized as Australian citizen and granted legal rights. The struggle for land rights, for greater autonomy, and for greater recognition and respect have all met “partial” success. The Australian government is doing extra effort to maintain the Aboriginal Australia Culture.

Since migration is one of the vital factors that diminishes the culture of Aborigines, every migrants has the responsibility to preserve and respect the human rights of the prehistoric tribe. The Australian law passed certain referendum and punishment to people that will break the law.

Everybody in Australia has the responsibility to take care of the environment. Culture and tradition are two things that highlights the beauty of the country. Let us not wait for the time that nature and living evidence of history is lost forever.


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